Colorado's Largest Steel Tip Dart League
About Us
Joining the RMDA will allow you to meet people from all walks of life who enjoy the game of darts. Whether you want to play one night or multiple nights a week, 4 person teams or 2 person teams. From beginner to expert, the RMDA is the place to find steel tip darts in the Denver Metro Area. We also host many tournaments throughout the year and the Denver metro area.

Recent League Events
The 2023 Fall Regular season is over. Playoffs will be finished this week as our leagues crown their respective teams City Cup Champions!!!
Pictured below is some of the first of our new CHAMPIONS!
Pictured below are the Fall 2023 Master League Cup winners.

Grow the sport of darts in a friendly and competitive manner.
The Rocky Mountain Dart Association (RMDA) is a registered non-profit organization and an affiliate of the American Darts Organization (ADO). The ADO was established in 1975 to promote American steel tip darts and groom players for the world stage. It has divided the US into eight regions, each with its own elected representatives, and sanctions over 100 major regional tournaments annually.

Our Board of Directors
President: Troy pres@rmda.org
Master/AA: Ross AA-masterscommish@rmda.org
Board Advisor: Dale advisor@rmda.org
Secretary: Vacant secretary@rmda.org
Treasurer: Judi treasurer@rmda.org
Vice President: Corey vp@rmda.org
A Commissioner: Jason acommish@rmda.org
A Commissioner: Payton acommish@rmda.org
B Commissioner: Kyle bcommish@rmda.org
Youth Director: Aaron rmda_youth_rep@rmda.org
Tournament Director: Darren tourneys@rmda.org
Doubles Commissioner: Mike doubles-commissioner@rmda.org
Stats: Liz stats@rmda.org